There was God before the beginning

The Bible tells us: “In the beginning, God…” That means before there was a beginning, there was God. Therefore, God began the beginning and verse 0 of the first chapter of Genesis might possibly read: In God was the beginning.
Everything that is was in God. Everything that has ever been made was made by God. When we connect Genesis 1:0—in God was the beginning—and John 1:1—in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God…He was with God in the beginning—we see that the Word was with God in the beginning, not at the beginning.

Before there was a beginning, there was God. Everything that is was in God. The Gospel of John also tells us that all things were made by the Word.

Be blessed

A sample motion graphics by Nison


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  1. Very resourceful and inspirational. Thanks to Vineyard Church Banda Kampala, Uganda

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