Recognizing the Voice of God_Pastor Richard Baganzi

Pastor Richard Baganzi


31st. OCTOBER. 2021

Main text: John 10:4 - 5.

"And when he brings out His own sheep, he goes before them ; and the sheep follow Him, for they know His voice.
Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from Him, for they do not know the voice of strangers".

One of the most important things that proves a strong relationship you have with somebody is them being able to recognize your voice. I mean if you are used to each other, in most cases your voices become familiar to both of you! This is so with Jesus and a believer. As soon as He becomes our Lord and savior, He constantly speaks to us through the holy Spirit and we reach a point of recognising His voice and the reverse is true.

As clearly noted above, God's voice is spiritually recognised. It's not much with your physical ears but your spirit with in your heart that matters much.
The Bible says "The spirit of a man is the candle of the Lord searching all the inside of the belly" *Proverbs *20:27*
Jesus emphasised this point in John 4:24 that God is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in spirit and truth.

Note: If we seriously desire to hear from the Lord, there is need for us to raise our spiritual antennas than the physical ones. By this I mean that our hearts should be more active during and after prayer or worship than our bodies!

Secondly, the spirit of decenment is equally very important because the spiritual realm is a mixed one. so not every word you feel in your heart is from God. You should be able to be able to distinguish these voices. The enemy always shout even louder than the Lord. Therefore be very careful (John 10:27 )

Closely related to decernment, there is need for us to connect what we always hear with the written word of God. Before we begin nagging God to dramatically and physically speak to us, let us connect everything we feel and hear with the Bible. *2Timothy* *3:16*

(4) When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. (5) But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.”

(16) All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

In conclusion, God always speaks to us even right now, He is speaking to you. Find His frequency and raise your antennas for clarity in the word of God. Don't follow the pressure of what you are passing through or excitement of what you are experiencing but let your heart remain focused to His spirit. He always a perfect answer for us.
Pr. Richard Baganzi

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Peaceful Tinah



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  1. Very resourceful. Deeply understood God's recognition. Thanks Vineyard church

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