Summary and clarification of mid-week Bible study dated 23rd.June.2021


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AKAWUKA KA CORONA kaddala goberera ebiragiro byabobulamu byebakutereddewo.



In light of 2chronicles 7:14,

1.What causes sicknesses both spiritual and Physical?

2. How can a Christian attain spiritual and physical healing?


Our study rotated around some key words in the above text in order to be able to understand the two questions.  These key words were; Forgiveness, Hearing, Humbling, Seeking the face of God and sin.

First and foremost the original recipient of this text are the children of Israel who were the only Children (people) of God. But you need to NOTE that we as born agains are currently the children (people) of God according to Book of John 1:12. You also need to know that God's nature does not Change (Hebrews 13:8). so this also applies to us in the light of the New testament. Pastor Baraka emphasised that the old testament is a shadow of the New!

 How applicable is this text currently?

To start with, Grace and Forgiveness are inseparable. Since God is so gracious and merciful, forginess of sin is possible at anytime of need. Jesus encouraged the disciples to always ask for it in prayer as recorded by Matthew 6:12. Our forgivness is only possible by the blood of the Jesus Christ just as it was to the Israelites through the blood animals.

 There is need for us to ask God to forgive us our sins if we're faced with any calamity in the same way the Israelites were meant to. (2Chronicles 7:13).


About the issue of seeking God's face, Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7 to ask, search, and to knock. There is need for us to know that the Kingdom of God now is sought. I mean it's not obvious because it faces resistance from the kingdom of darkness.


God hearing us means answering our prayers. Some times God seems deaf though we're His temple because sin separates us from God (Isiah 59:1-2, Hebrews 10:26)

 In conclusion,

Sin (unrighteousness), Fear (lack of faith), Satanic powers (principalities) are one of the major causes of sickness.

There is need for us as children of God to genuinely repent and leave our wicked ways in order for God to heal our land. More importantly every sickness originates from the the spiritual realm. Let's rebuke in name of Jesus because great is He who is us than the one in the world 1John 4:4.



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