Sister Brenda


Praise God dear youths. Today we are going to learn about The life of a youth minister and we are going to read in the book of Joshua 1:6-9

3 Things will last forever:

Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation and allows the church to flourish.

Jeria leads the choir at Vineyard Church Banda Kampala

Serving young people cannot only prepare them to become future leaders, but also allow them to contribute to the church. This is seen many times in the Bible, as God often used young people to do great things. For example, God used Timothy to pastor and lead the Ephesian church when he was a teenager.

 1 Timothy 4:12 says, “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

As a youth minister you are supposed to be under someone just like Joshua was under Moses, and we see in Numbers 13:1-ff when Moses assigned him to go and spy the land which God had promised them and Joshua obeyed Moses. So as a youth minister, you also need to be obedient.

As a youth minister, you really need to have a character of leadership in you because as you saw earlier, Joshua became a leader after the death of Moses. This signifies that a youth minister is always under someone. 

"If you are a youth minister, you are a total example, a motivator and a role model in which ever ministry God has placed you."

You also need to obey the law.  Joshua obeyed the law of moses (see verse 8 ) but we can also refer to Matthew 22:37, the 2 commandments Jesus talked about.

 As a youth minister you need to practice them and put them into action.

 A youth minister must also be strong and courageous. Besides, you need to be teachable and when you are rebuked, you must accept and correct your mistakes as soon as immediately.

Why have faith?

Finally, as a minister, you shouldn't run away from ministry.You should always have trust in  the Lord you serve just like Joshua and Caleb ( See 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

God bless you!

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