Pastor Richard Baganzi



Dated Sunday 25.July.2021

Main text

 John 11:17- 46

According to Hebrews 11:1, Faith is defined as a substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

We can not claim to be having faith while lacking these two things; 

1. Substance.

2. Evidence.

You need to know that a substance refers to something visible and tangeable. This means that We need to visualize what we're believing God for.

 Let's open our spiritual eyes widely and touch the promises of God in the spiritual realm in order for them to manifest in the physical world. If you're able to see it, you will have it in the name of Jesus.

Secondly, The evidence refers to the spoken word of God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God (Romans 10:17)

"The word of God is the only assurance we have for the things we have not yet seen. Let's embrace the word of God wholeheartedly"

From our main text of John 11:17-46, three perspectives of faith is manifested.

👉When Jesus meets Martha whose brother Lazarus was burren four days ago, She tells Him. " If you had been here, my brother would not have died....."_ This kind of statement is of regret though she later confesses that God would use Jesus Christ for anything.

There are many of us whose faith are no more because of our past. In our meeting with the Lord, we get busy explaining to Him our past failures instead of telling Him our present condition. Remember, Our past is past!

👉 After Jesus confirms to her that she will ressurect, Martha still misquots Him. " I know that he will rise again in the ressuretion of the last day".

Can you imagine how often we postpone our faith. Jesus Christ meant Lazarus to rise at that very moment!

Our faith should be of now but not of yesterday, not tomorrow but of now and we leave the rest to God.

Why have faith?

Lastly, Whenever we pray, let's believe that it's done and it will manifest (Mark 11:24). Joel says " Let the weak confess I am strong".

"Let's exercise the now faith. Stop regretting and being anxious about tomorrow".


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